There’s a Trump supporter born every minute.
What would the GOP have done if Obama or a Clinton had been proven to…
1. Have told thousands of lies, had numerous political and legal cronies end up in jail
2. Admit to defrauding a charity or pardoned military prisoners of war crimes
3. Paid off a mistress and had another personal lawyer and two of his cronies try to leave the country
4. Order administration staff to not cooperate with subpoenas
5. Set up a scenario in a foreign country whereby they would attempt to bribe that country into defaming political rivals while openly intimidating potential witnesses for the prosecution before, during and after their testimony.
If only we were as upset about Hunter to profit off of his influence over his father (real or imagined) and find it as unacceptable as we do about Ivanka, Jared, et al and how it equally relates to the current POTUS, eh?