Reply to Jerry’s comment, “Kind of shocked at no response from, “yours truly”, but now I’m sure I’ll get several links lol”

Lol Okay I’ll go for the bait…so you guys still think I’m a fan of spineless neolib Democrats? That’s about as bright as thinking I’m a fan of neocon Republicans.

Or, thinking a billionaire cabinet will change the system that made them billionaires. Where losses are socialized, profits privatized, and the American populace continues to lose when divided along the lines of lib, con, rep, dem, black, white, yada, yada, yada…

Only when the Tea Partier and Occupy Wall Streeter meet to find common ground will things change. For they have much more in common than what divides them.

Yes, I could provide Jerry with plenty of links to back up my BS but it seems he prefers to be spoon-fed the BS of faux news, to reading, learning and deciding on his own.

Like the preacher saying we have to believe what the bible says, then tells us what the bible says. But if we think on our own, search and disagree, we will surely be a lesser human being, and surely go to hell.

And Jim, always the darling who’s never met a Dreamer or much less could fathom, how someone who spent their entire life in the US as an “illegal” would be more the truer American Patriot than he is. As if he has a clue as to what is – E Pluribus Unum.

Or, that giving Dreamers a way to stay, could not only be good for our country, but also would be an act of being – a decent human being.

Since your media bubble and messianic tweeting leader benefits and thrives on your distraction, I’ll leave you with one more diversion.

Government shutdown? Yes, but he is a Great Negotiator! After all, he negotiated a $130,000 deal with a porn star. And is a consummate grifter, and master baiter, who’s sole purpose is to jerk-off minds – and yes, he does know his mark, the sensationalist media laps it up.

He’s the “classiest” classist first, a racist second, playing the race and class cards to his classic advantage. Does he disavow with protestation or obfuscation?

The point’s not actual refutation, but confusion, deny-ability and plausible implausibility, to the point that shouldn’t we ask, “Really? What is the probability of his honesty, or much less, sincerity?”

Perhaps we should all read a book, and start with 1984.

Does Jerry approve of this link, and gluten-free reply? You guys crack me up and most always provide some weird chit food to fodder that can be posted on weirdchit.com.

Is the feeling mutual? Cause, “we just wants to be loved”, eh?

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